Ever wished you had a hyperbolic chamber to get the most out of your training, well good sir this is the next best thing!
My back gains are now at a power over at least 9000 due to the enhancements provided by the Swissies. Lats are so wide that after my session I don't even take the stairs to ground floor anymore I just glide on down. I earnt the nickname 'The sugarglider' from fellow gym goers which I admit isn't the most shredded sounding nickname out there. I even cancelled international chest day from each Monday to get more reps in with the Swissies instead.
In seriousness these are excellent quality and work as described on different bar sizes. With a majority of my workout at home on a multifunctional cable machine these have been awesome attachments on the bar and have allowed use of both weight stacks for some exercises. Highly recommend!